How to Shred Cauliflower with a… Salad Shooter?

People are constantly looking for the fastest and easiest way to make cauliflower rice. Buying a pre-packaged bag, of course, tops the “easy” list, but over time these products can get expensive.

I think that food processors work really well. However, they can require extra clean-up time, especially if you just want to make a small batch of riced cauliflower.

How to Shred Cauliflower in 30 Seconds with a Salad Shooter

How to Shred Cauliflower Fast:

That is where a Salad Shooter comes in handy. Yes, these old-school, long forgotten kitchen appliances still exist and make perfect shredders.

In fact, some people buy Salad Shooters specifically for making their own cauliflower rice. These electric shredders work quickly when compared to manually grating, plus they require less effort.

Tip: For how to shred cauliflower rice quickly, cut the cauliflower into cubes, choose the “shredder” blade and then steam your rice in the microwave for 4-5 minutes.

Presto Professional Salad Shooter with Shredding, Grating and Chopping AttachmentsThese inexpensive kitchen gadgets make for on-the-go shredding, and they are easy to rinse when you finish using them. For example, if you are making a one-person meal, you don’t have to spend more time cleaning up than you do cooking. =)

In addition, the Salad Shooter can easily slice, chop or grate a variety of other vegetables to make a colorful and nutritious riced dish. Many people use them to slice and grate potatoes and cheese as well, so you can get a lot of use out of this one little machine.

Disadvantages of Shredding Cauliflower with a Salad Shooter:

1. Not Great for Large Batches

The downside of using a Salad Shooter for making cauliflower rice is that it is not ideal for large batches. For instance, if you want to shred several heads of cauliflower at one time, you may be better off using a large food processor.

2. The Device is Not Cordless

This gadget comes with a cord, so you will be tethered to an electrical outlet in your kitchen. This may or may not matter to you, depending on how conveniently-located your outlet is. That said, it’s a factor to keep in mind.

Salad Shooter Specs:

If you haven’t seen the “infomercial” of how this handy kitchen device works, you can watch it below. By the way, I find that I eat more vegetables when I can quickly chop them into small pieces. That’s why I think this kitchen gadget makes the perfect tool for dieters.

Alternatively, you could get a hand-powered vegetable mandoline slicer. It costs about half the price and comes with similar attachments.

However, you can’t just plug it in. You need to crank the handle yourself, and the shredding process suddenly becomes a lot slower and more work-involved….


Pre-Cooked Cauliflower Rice Pouches - Ready to Eat, Easy to Prepare, Low Carb and Healthy

Best Price on Ready-to-Eat Cauliflower Rice

Low Carb Rice Made Super Easy - Shelf-Stable, Microwavable Pouches of Pre-Cooked Riced Cauliflower